Thursday, November 3, 2011

Shopping ECST-ETSY: Down with Love

Hey hey readers. It's Thursday, which means another thrilling Etsy shopping guide! As we all know, this week, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from her husband of like, a month, Kris Humphries. Consequently, it seems as if the "sanctity" of marriage is crumbling at our very feet! To go along with the devastating news about Kim's marriage, for their November issue, the Atlantic journal did an article about why more American women are single than ever before.

Don't fret, though, dear readers. Beyonce made being single wildly popular with "Single Ladies" (let's ignore the fact that she's happily married), and there is more to life than a significant other! Down with love! Let's focus our heart-tugging affections on some items and objects that actually deserve our attention.

Let's get down to business. If you find yourself in the middle of a situation as unfortunate as a divorce, focus your affections on something (or someone) else! YOUR LAWYER. Duh! You didn't sign a prenup for nothing! Buy this witty shirt here and rub it in your ex's face.

Sometimes dwelling on the past is okay. Focus on the good 'ol times with this mixtape pouch proclaiming "I love the 80s" and don't be ashamed to pull out that Cyndi Lauper record again! Buy it here.

Instead of falling for someone, take up a new hobby! These "I [heart] 2 Sew" earrings are too cute and will inspire you to stay busy during your single months. If you can't have a lover, you might as well have some clothes. Buy them here.

Now, I know that some of you may have been let down by your baseball team this World Series (Unless you're a St. Louis fan, that is.). But even if your team didn't win the pennant, baseball is still entirely lovable! Decorate your space with this rustic heart-printed baseball. Buy it here.

This print is just too funny not to include! You love bacon and bacon loves you. It's really quite simple. Buy it here.

 If you can't find anything to love, LOVE YOUR CITY! This seller has a slew of city-centric prints that profess hometown love. And of course we have to include Philly. It's the City of Brotherly Love! Buy this print here.

Now really, do I need to write anything here? Buy these blank note cards here.

And last but not least, buy yourself these adorable earrings (here) and wear them with pride! It's okay to say "I love me" because if you don't love yourself, how is somebody else going to love you?

Let us know what you think, readers! Have a good weekend! XO

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