Monday, November 21, 2011

Holiday Style Guide: What to Wear to Thanksgiving Dinner!

Hello readers! The holidays are quickly approaching and I figured many of you are freaking out what to wear to Thanksgiving dinner (a.k.a. The Greatest Meal of the Year). I know I am! To wear my leopard booties or to not wear them? That is the question!

Here are a few silly scenarios you may find yourself in, and a complete guide for what to wear so that you can look your best stuffing your face. Yeah, I went there.

Scenario #1: Dinner with Your Estranged Family
We all know how this works. Every ten years or so you have to go to dinner at a distant relative's home (because your mother can only put them off for so long before it's rude to not go) and fake enjoyment among their taxidermied cats and frilly, dusty curtains.

To ward off the eerie stares of your mother's-second-cousin-twice-removed's stuffed cats, slap on some sunglasses (a la Mary Kate), pile on a shawl (to protect your skin from dust!) and work some faux fur (to blend in!). We suggest wrapping your hair in a stylish faux fur hat. Because, really, if you're going to dining amid 70's decor, what's the point of doing your hair?

Look #1 features Nasty Gal sunglasses, a Billabong shawl, a Topshop snood, and Forever 21 hat. Snatch 'em up!

Scenario #2: Dinner with Your SO's Fam:
Well well well, things must be getting serious if you're going to dinner at your significant other's house!! If you want to impress his/her family (like Kate did to William's!) you need to dress to impress! We suggest a sleek dress, sophisticated heels, and respectable jewelry. Because you're not going to get mother's engagement ring in Uggs and leggings.

 Look #2 features a Lulu's dress, Betsey Johnson necklace, and lace Asos booties. Secure your future with these pieces!

Scenario #3: Dinner in New York City 
Um, excuse me. Need I suggest anything other than all black? You're in New York, after all, what else are you to wear?

Look #3 features a Mink Pink blouse, Zara trousers, Fred Flare ring and sunglasses, and Restricted wedges. And since this is an outfit truly inspired by New York, you'll be able to wear it all year 'round!

Scenario #4: Dinner with Your Favorite Major League Baseball Team:
And by your favorite baseball team, I mean MY favorite baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies! Come on though readers, wouldn't it be such a dream come true to enjoy turkey day with a bunch of pro athletes!? In between bites of stuffing you can talk stats; ERAs, OBPs, batting averages-- Oh who am I kidding? It's all about shopping for husbands ;) Here's how to show your team spirit stylishly!

Special thanks to Chase Utley, the greatest second baseman in baseball for being our (MY) inspiration! Look #3 features a Phillies tee (Shop for you team here!), Modcloth skirt, and Kimchi Blue heels.

Scenario #5: Dinner with All Those You Love!
Who better to celebrate such a fulfilling holiday with than all those you love? Be sure to hug your mama, kiss your nana, and give your brother a noogie! As far as your outfit goes, incorporate a little tradition into your garb! I suggest a cheesy holiday sweater and moccasins! Don't forget the green bean casserole, now!

Look #5 features a vintage cardigan from Etsy, BDG high-rise skinnies, Tecumseh moccasins and a Forever 21 ring.

Well that's all I've got, readers! Hopefully this lil' shopping guide aids you in your holiday outfit selection. Share your favorite traditions with us and as always, let us know what you think! XO

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